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the invitation

A Coaching Group to Reclaim Your Self

Are you longing for:

Better sleep
Improved sense of self
Increased sense of calm and peace
Better integration of work and life
A deeper connection with those you love
Freedom from hustle culture
Relief from persistent, low-grade anxiety
A sense of meaning and purpose
Alignment with your values

If so, welcome.



Here's how we'll get you there:

This eight-week coaching group is for the high-performing, people-pleasing, over-achieving woman who is successful by traditional standards, but who knows that there has to be a better way.  With a curriculum that integrates Coaching Theory, Polyvagal Theory and Internal Family Systems Therapy, we'll help you free yourself from the anxiety, burnout and low-self esteem that can accompany the overscheduled and often, overwhelming path to goal achievement.  This group promises to reveal an alternate path to fulfillment and success, through the skills of Self-Leadership: connection, values alignment and authentic living.


Eight 90-min Coaching Sessions

The group will meet weekly for eight ninety-minute coaching sessions, with a curriculum that integrates Coaching Theory, Polyvagal Theory and Internal Family Systems Theory.  The aim of the group is to help high performing women achieve their highest potential and optimize wellness through authenticity and values alignment.

Shannon Callahan, LPC, is a formerly practicing lawyer turned licensed therapist and certified coach focusing on high achieving professionals to help them thrive in their lives and careers. Shannon designs and executes leadership and well-being programs in Resilience, Psychological Capital, Growth Mindset, and Mindfulness, among other topics.

Lauren Farina, LCSW, and founder of Invited Psychotherapy & Coaching, is a psychotherapist and keynote speaker. Lauren's private practice specializes in helping clients embody their highest potential by managing the job stress, anxiety, depression, and self-doubt that often plagues perfectionists, people pleasers, and high performers.


Carla Sparacino Lempera, LPC, brings nearly two decades of experience as a consulting professional to her therapy practice at Invited Psychotherapy & Coaching. This experience allows Carla to bring a multi-faceted perspective to complex issues, empowering her clients to promote optimal wellness and growth.


What Others Say:

"Carla is a game changer for anyone that desires change. She understands the uniqueness of every individual and provides them space to understand themselves. Her calm nature welcomes personal engagement while her professionalism drives focus and desired outcomes. On top of all that, her finest attribute is her deep desire to help others. " - Former Client and Chief Customer Officer


What is the group schedule?

You tell us! The group schedule for the upcoming group session is TBD, and will largely depend on the availability of the cohort.

Will this group be in-person or virtual?

The group will be virtual, with an opportunity for local members to meet in person outside of group sessions.

What is the financial investment for the program?

While the program is valued at over $2,500, the total fee for eight weeks of coaching is $1,800.  This may be paid in full or via payment plan (inquire within).  For those who refer a friend, the total cost is $1,600, and each referral earns you an additional $200 discount!

If I apply for the program, does that mean I must commit? What if I change my mind?

There is no financial commitment in applying. The application process simply helps us to determine goodness of fit for the program members, and to tailor program design accordingly.

How many hours per week should I expect to commit?

Each weekly coaching session is ninety minutes in length.  Beyond that, you are the driver; it is up to you how much time you spend building skills outside of session.

I don't live in the professional world.  Is this group for me?

Yes! At Invited, we define a high performer as anyone who diligently performs a role, character or function, usually at the expense of their own needs, often in an effort to defend against shame. Sound familiar? Whether you are the CEO of your company or your household (or both),  you just might be the perfect fit!

I'm already so busy!  Won't this be one more "to do" on my list?

We feel you, and we've been there. But, the skills you'll learn here will allow you to create space in your schedule where you didn't know it existed.  We have found that for most of our clients, it's not time, but intentionality that is lacking. This group will serve as an investment in yourself, because you choose it, and not because you're obligated. 

How do I know if this group is for me?

If you feel an internal sense of recognition, of "aha!" to this group's mission, and you realize that the potential for growth and expansion far outweighs the potential investment, this group is for you, and we can't wait to meet you!

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